Comments are monitored and managed by administrators.
Do not post comments containing any of the following >​


For privacy policy of GUNDAM GLOBAL CHALENGE, please refer to the following URL:
*Privacy Policy of General Incorporated Association GUNDAM GLOBAL CHALLENGE

Do not post comments containing any of the following: 1. Personal/private information
  • •Comments that include identifiable information about a person or persons, i.e., name, address, email, etc.
2. Illegal content
  • •Contents containing illegal content or encouraging illegal content/activities
  • •Comments that infringe on copyright or other intellectual property rights
  • •Comments that could be construed as a violation of privacy
3. Content that is not in line with standards of public decency
  • •Comments containing obscene or offensive content
  • •Comments promoting, encouraging, or describing violence
  • •Comments disparaging or otherwise violating the personal rights of a specific person (including public figures)
4. Advertising or promotional content
  • •Comments that are meant to advertise or direct users to a specific website
  • •Comments that are meant to promote, evangelize, encourage protest, or similar activities.
  • Or any other comments that GGC administrators find inappropriate.

In the event that comments are determined to be an announcement of intent to commit a crime or are found to be in violation of Japanese law concerning those including but not limited to libel, defamation, damage to credit, obstruction of business, administrators will contact the police as necessary.